Delivery/Pickup/Document Details

Counter Menu -> Delivery & Pickups -> Delivery/Pickup Dispatch -> SELECT button when document in focus -> Delivery/Pickup/Document Details

Counter Menu -> Delivery & Pickups -> Delivery Console -> OUTSTANDING button -> Outstanding Deliveries display -> SELECT button when document in focus -> Delivery/Pickup/Document Details

Counter Menu -> Delivery & Pickups -> Pickup Console -> OUTSTANDING button -> Outstanding Pickups display -> SELECT button when document in focus -> Delivery/Pickup/Document Details

This screen provides the ability to drill down to the details of the Delivery/Pickup ticket and of the source document, from the Delivery/Pickup Dispatch screen with the options to update the driver on the ticket, view the map, or create, print, close, or cancel the ticket.

The Contract, Reservation, or Worksheet document type and number is displayed with the Customer number.
The Clerk code from the Delivery or Pickup Ticket is also displayed, and if there is no associated Delivery or Pickup Ticket, then it is the clerk from the document that is displayed.

If this screen is generated from the Delivery/Pickup Dispatch screen the Contracts, and Reservations provide a COMMENTS button to view the Document Comments, and a SERVICES button to view any associated Document Services.
These two buttons are not available on Worksheet ticket details, nor when the ticket details are generated from the Delivery Console or Pickup Console.
An ATTACHMENTS button is also available to view any existing document Attachments and is disabled if no attachments are directly associated with the document.

If a Delivery or Pickup Ticket exists for this record, the ticket number displays with the date and time.
If there is no associated Delivery or Pickup Ticket, then the Delivery or Pickup status code displays with the date out or date due back from source document.

The driver, route and comment only apply to Delivery or Pickup Tickets and a CHANGE DRIVER INFO button is provided to access the Driver Information pop-up window on Contract and Reservation tickets.
The CHANGE DRIVER INFO button is not available on Worksheet ticket details, nor when the ticket details are generated from the Delivery Console or Pickup Console.

Note: When a driver is changed on a document before the ticket is created, such as a contract with a P-Due or D-Due status, then the driver is actually changed at the document level and so will be reflected on other Delivery/Pickup/Document Details associated with that same document.

Product numbers to be moved on the selected Delivery or Pickup are listed with the description and quantities on the right and the Bill To & Ship To addresses displayed on the left, unless the ticket is associated with Winroute/OnDemand or has driver feedback status. Then there are two formats for displaying the ticket address and product details:

  1. Click the LESS>> button on the right of the screen above the product detail table to display the Billing and the Shipping address and phone information from the source document on the left, and a shortened version of the product details in a paging format on the right.
  2. Click the <<MORE button on the right of the screen above the product detail table to suppress the Billing and the Shipping address information, and to expand the product detail information displayed.
    The Bill To name and address displays above the product detail and the Ship To name and address displays below.
A NOTES button is provided at the bottom to view any notes associated with the product detail line that is currently in focus in the product details table, as outlined in the Product Notes on the Document Detail.

Additional actions provided by buttons on the Delivery/Pickup Document Details screen are based on the delivery or pickup status of the document or ticket including:

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