Performance Question Document Details

Utilities Menu -> Counter -> Performance Questions By Document Utility -> Selected Contact / Invoice -> Performance Question By Document -> Failed field -> Performance Questions Document Details

Counter Menu -> Contracts -> Contract Summary and Totals -> PERFORMANCE button -> Performance Question By Document -> Failed field -> Performance Question Document Details

Counter Menu -> Miscellaneous Invoices -> Totals and Services -> PERFORMANCE button -> Performance Question By Document -> Failed field -> Performance Question Document Details

This window can be accessed from the Performance Question By Document in the Failed field.
It lists the specific sales and rental product details on the relevant contract or invoice document, and provides the ability to update the Performance Question Fail/Pass Response.

The Response box always defaults to a Pass and could be displayed as checked or as unchecked, according to the failed response indicator that was defined for the question in Performance Questions.

The check/uncheck flag in this Response box can be changed to a Fail status for individual products on this document that do not to satisfy this Performance Question.

Note: If no products are flagged as failed in this window, then this Response status will revert back to a Pass status in Performance Question By Document.

Topic Keyword: RSPQD01 (4007)
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