Pricing Management Export

Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Rates/Costs/Prices -> Customer Pricing Management -> Pricing Management Export

This utility can be use to export the existing Customer defined 'Tier 1' Group Rates and the 'Tier 2' Special Rate Levels defined for rentals in the Multi-Tiered Customer Special Pricing window, to an Excel spreadsheet.

The information can then be modified on the spreadsheet and saved to a 'tab-delimited text file' that can be imported back into the system using the Pricing Management Import tool to update the customer Tier 1 and Tier rate information.

The selection information required for the Export action includes:

Select one of the following options:
  • Type ALL to include all customers in the output.
  • To generate the output for a single customer, enter the customer number or select it from the Accounting Customer Search window.
  • Type SEL to select a several specific customers for the output, as outlined in the Selected Customers window.

Select the rate code to determine the rental rate charge per each Group, to display in the first rate column, or select one from the drop-down box as setup in the Company Default Rates.
The default value is the Rate Code selected for this column on the last Export run.

Note: Each of the column headings on the spreadsheet reflects the Description assigned to the corresponding Rate Code in the Company Default Rates, regardless of the rate code description and rate hours setup for a specific Group.
The import updates the rate charges but does not change the rate structure.
The rental rate for the Group will display according to the Rate Code and will still be updated according the Rate Code, even if the description and rate hours are different.

Select the rate code to determine the rental rate charge per each Group, to display in the second rate column, or select one from the drop-down box.
The default value is the Rate Code selected for this column on the last Export run.

Select the rate code to determine the rental rate charge per each Group, to display in the third rate column, or select one from the drop-down box.
The default value is the Rate Code selected for this column on the last Export run.

Select the rate code to determine the rental rate charge per each Group, to display in the fourth rate column, or select one from the drop-down box.
The default value is the Rate Code selected for this column on the last Export run.

Select the rate code to determine the rental rate charge per each Group, to display in the fifth rate column, or select one from the drop-down box.
The default value is the Rate Code selected for this column on the last Export run.

Accept today's date or enter a preferred cut-off date for the revenue total to be displayed on the export spreadsheet.
The Revenue calculation is by Customer/Group for the past 365 days from the specified End date.

Resulting Export Spreadsheet:
The spreadsheet lists the following information:

When the modifications to the data on the spreadsheet are completed and the data is ready to be imported back into the Customer First Tier Rental Rates and Second Tier Rental Rate Levels, save the spreadsheet to a 'tab-delimited text file' and use the Pricing Management Import utility to update the Multi-Tiered Customer Special Pricing information in the application.

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