Texada Pay Pending Refund Queue

Accounts Receivable Menu -> Payments -> Texada Pay Pending Refund Queue

Reports Menu -> Automatic Reporting -> Function TPRNT02 -> runs Update TP Pending Refund Queue

This pending refund table automatically logs any failed Texada Pay Refund transactions that could not be processed through the clearing house because the original deposit or payment had not been approved yet.
The refund transactions can then be re-submitted to the clearing house at a later time.

Note: When a refund transaction is written to the "TP Pending Refund Queue" it is not logged in the Texada Pay Payment Log until after it has been fully processed.

This is useful especially for refunds with New Zealand and Australian Texada Pay when a security deposit is taken on a Contract when products go out on rent but then the contract is returned the same day and the contract total is less than the security deposit.
The balance of the deposit needs to be refunded but the initial security deposit may not have cleared the clearing house.
This 'TP Pending Refund Queue' processing is less useful for Canadian and U.S. Texada Pay refunds as the credits are processed through the clearing house immediately.

To use this feature, both the 'Global Payments' and the 'Refund Existing Payment Only' must be activated in the Texada Pay configuration.
Note: The 'Refund Existing Payment Only' feature is automatically activated for Australian & New Zealand currencies.

When the initial payment and the refund are submitted through SRM and Texada Pay the deposit history and payment record are processed as successful. The customer's document prints completed payment information and the postings are all processed in the next Daily Close regardless of their status with the clearing house.

If refunds fail at the clearing house the can be logged in this table and can be re-submitted repeatedly until the are accepted, or the operator can delete them to prevent them from being processed.
If they are deleted from this table, a manual reversal of the refund is required through the capture deposit utility.

View the list of outstanding refund requests as follows:

Accept the default starting date or enter a preferred start date for the range.
Accept the default ending date or enter a preferred cut-off date for the range.
Accept ALL customers or to narrow the search enter a single customer number or select it from the Customer Search window.
Accept ALL Divisions or to narrow the search to a single Division enter the Division code or select it from the Division Search window.

Resulting Outstanding Refund Transactions:
Any negative dollar TP transactions that were rejected at the time they were submitted for a refund are listed with the Created Date, Created Time, Type of Credit or Bank, Amount of refund, Source being type of document, Document number, Customer number, Document Date and Division.
The expanded record displays the URL for the specific refund to be re-submitted.

Additional actions provided by buttons on the Texada Pay Pending Refund Queue screen include:

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