Tunable Counter Parameters Overview

Counter Overview Information Guide -> Tunable Counter Parameters Overview

Many of the features and the functionality can be customized to meet your firm's business practices.
Some of the tunable parameters can be set to apply to your entire company, some by operator, some by division, and some by individual customer.

Parameter tunings include issues such as Date Range controls, Booking and Product Availability, Security, Required fields, Discounts, Waivers, Override controls, Divisional Restrictions, Status Codes, Billing rules, Check Lists, Product controls, Posting and Revenue Distribution, Customer Credit controls, Meter Reading, Operator permissions, Power Kits, Product Sequencing, and many more.

Function specific parameter lists include:
Contract/Worksheet Tunable Parameters
Rental Return Tunable Parameters
Invoice Tunable Parameters
Equipment Exchange Tunable Parameters
Off Rent Tunable Parameters

Speeding up the Counter

Company/Divisional parameters can be defined in:
Company Parameters
Division Parameters

Security controls and parameters can be established in:
Security Parameters
Security Roles
Module Passwords
Date Range Control

Customer specific controls can be customized in:

Product/Service related controls can be defined in:
Rental Product Class
Sales Product Class
Rental Inventory
Sales Inventory

Topic Keyword: COTUNE
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