The Texada SRM Keyboard & Mouse Actions

Getting Started Overview Information Guide -> SRM Keyboard & Mouse Actions

The following keys are used in Texada SRM on the Windows Client:

        ENTER            Accepts the current field and moves to next field
        ESC              Cancels a prior entry, or exits a program without accepting
        TAB              Advances the cursor to the next critical prompt
        Up Arrow         Moves the cursor Up one field
        Down Arrow       Moves the cursor Down one field
        Right Arrow      Moves the cursor Right one space
        Left Arrow       Moves the cursor Left one space

        F1   Help              Triggers Technical User Guide documentation
        F2   not used          Not assigned a purpose
        F3   Accept            Accepts the entry, or accepts when exiting programs
        F4   Window            Window to lookup information
        F5   Add               Used to make new entries
        F6   Change            Used to change or modify existing entries
        F7   Delete            Deletes single entries or a selected range
        F8   Lookup            Views the information without making any changes
        F9   Expand            Increases the amount of information on the screen
        F10  Edit              Used to change a field without retyping the field

        COMMON GUI BUTTONS - when "gray" buttons are inactive
        ADD                     Add a new record or entry - also triggered by F5
        CHANGE                  Change or modify an existing record or file - also triggered by F6
        DELETE                  Deletes single entries or a selected range - also triggered by F7
        INSERT                  Inserts a new line in a paging screen above the line in focus
        EXP/CON                 Toggles between expanding and contracting records in a paging screen - also triggered by F9

        SEARCH                  Used in a lookup window to trigger the search after the selection filters are set - also triggered by ALT_S
        SELECT                  Used in a paging screen to select the record in focus (e.g. in a search window)

        COPY                    Used to copy a record or selection of records
        DETAILS                 Drills down to further details on the record in focus - also triggered by ALT_D

        SET ALL                 Used to check all options, then can manually uncheck specific choices
        CLEAR ALL               Use to clear checks from all options, then can manually check preferred choices

        ACCEPT                  Accepts the entry, or accepts when exiting programs - also triggered by F3 or ALT_A
        CANCEL                  Cancels a prior entry, or exits a program without accepting - also triggered by ESC or ALT_C

        OK                      Used to acknowledge a warning on a pop-up dialogue box, and continue - also triggered by ALT_O

        PAGE UP         Moves the cursor up one screen length
        PAGE DOWN       Moves the cursor down one screen length
        Up Arrow        Moves the cursor Up one record in the same column
        Down Arrow      Moves the cursor Down one record in the same column

        CTRL-F5         Acts as Insert to add a record at current seq #
        CTRL-HOME       Moves the cursor to the beginning of the file
        CTRL-END        Moves the cursor to the end of the file
        Scrollbar       The scrollbar on the right of the screen is enabled if there are more records to display
                        than are currently displayed on the screen.
                        The scrollbar can be used to move up and down through the data.

          *  The standard mode for Edit is Edit With INSERT.
          ** To overstrike instead, press the INSERT Key a second time
             and to deactivate the overstrike action, press INSERT Key again.

                INSERT       "Edit with Insert" -Inserts where the cursor is located *
                INSERT       "Edit with Overstrike" -Overstrikes where the cursor is located **
                DELETE       Deletes the character on the cursor
                BACKSPACE    Deletes the character before the cursor
                F7           Deletes from the cursor to the end of the field
                Right Arrow  Moves the cursor right one space
                Left Arrow   Moves the cursor left one space
                HOME         Moves the cursor to the beginning of the field
                END          Moves the cursor to the last letter on the field
                TAB          Moves the cursor to the right one word at a time
                ENTER        Accepts the changes to the current field
                ESC          Cancels any changes made to the current field

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