Housekeeping Overview

Data Management Overview Information Guide -> Housekeeping Overview

It is recommended that housekeeping be completed on a quarterly basis.
However if your's is a large firm, monthly housekeeping is recommended rather than quarterly.

Removing old information from the software will speed up processing, since the programs need to search through fewer records in the data base to find current information.

Removing old information does NOT create hard disk space that can be automatically used by other files.
Instead, any space recovered is still allocated to the original file and will be used as new records are added to that file. This means new records added will not use more space, until that allocate disk space is used.

The security by division control feature as determined by Divisional Restricted Views does NOT apply to any of the House Keeping utilities.

Note: Be advised that once executed, these operations cannot be undone.
Hence, prior to running any housekeeping program, verify in the play environment that the results obtained from running the operation are as expected.

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