Cancel Delivery Ticket

Counter Menu -> Delivery & Pickups -> Delivery Console -> CANCEL button -> Cancel Delivery Ticket

Counter Menu -> Delivery & Pickups -> Delivery/Pickup Dispatch -> CANCEL button -> Cancel Delivery Ticket

This utility can be used to cancel existing open Delivery tickets, changing the status of the products from F (Off Rent) to O (Out on Rent).
It can be accessed from the Delivery Console or from the Delivery/Pickup Dispatch by clicking on the CANCEL button, and does not apply to closed tickets.

A Delivery Ticket cannot be cancelled if the driver has marked some items delivered or completed.

A Comment can be added to the cancelled Delivery ticket transaction.
The cancelled transaction information can be viewed in the Details window in the Delivery Console for that contract.

If a pickup ticket has been downloaded to the Descartes delivery/pickup processing a warning is displayed reminding the operator that the pickup information must also be manually cancelled in On Demand or updated in WinRoute.
The Delivery and Pickup Driver Status information window is triggered if there are any items marked as completed, and a ticket cannot be cancelled if the Descartes driver has marked some items completed.

Note: When Texada Web is enabled in the Software Integration parameters to track driver tickets, then any operator who does not have Security Role Permissions to the Cancel Open Texada Web Del/Pick Tickets option, will not be allowed to cancel delivery or pickup tickets in SRM, and any items on an open delivery or pickup ticket cannot be returned until the ticket is closed or cancelled.

Additional actions provided by buttons on the Cancel Delivery Ticket screen include:

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