
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Operations Tab -> Rental Rates & Pricing -> Calendar

The Calendar can be maintained in the Calendar window in the "Rental Rates & Pricing" parameters on the Operations tab of the Configure System Settings.
An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Operations - Calendar in order to access this table.

Prior to setting up a new calendar in the software, for rate structure and billing calculations, decide on the hours in a day, and how many days are billable in your week.

Define the Number of Hours in a Day:
It is recommended that the number of hours in a day always be set to 24, to simplify rate calculations.
Other configurations are possible, but 24 hours per day has proven to work consistently.
If your firm prefers another configuration, check with Texada Support before implementing it to confirm that this setup will yield the desired results.

Note: If a Daily Rate Expiry Time is utilized as set in the Divisional Rate Parameters, the hours on the "out" day of the contract may appear to be shorten in the calculation for short term contracts instead of reflecting the 24 hour day.

Define the Number of Days in a Week:
Setting the number of billable days per week has several alternatives, due to the differences in charging for rentals over the weekend.
To determine the correct number of days in a week, ask this question:

If equipment went out Thursday at 8 am and was returned Monday at 8 am, how many days should be charged?

                Thursday 8 AM to Monday 8 AM = 4 days    Use  7 Days per Week
                Thursday 8 AM to Monday 8 AM = 3 days    Use  6 Days per Week
                Thursday 8 AM to Monday 8 AM = 2 days    Use  5 Days per Week

Calendar Setup:
Once the number of hours in a day, and the number of days in a week have been determined, proceed with generating the calendar as follows:

Enter the number of chargeable hours for each day of the week.

The recommended calendar format has 24 hours per day, and 7 days per week. However, an alternative setup can be used, if required.

Note: Once the Hours in each day are defined and accepted, the hours cannot be changed, as the rate structures are based on these values.
Contact Texada Support if changes are required.

Enter the time of the day when your firm opens.
The system will start charging at the Opening Time each day, and will stop charging for that day when the chargeable hours limit has been reached.

Note: If business is being conducted on a 24 hour basis (Rentals/Sales could be processed at any time of the day) the Company Opening Time should be left at Midnight (00:00:00) as a different opening time could impact rate calculations.

These numbers will be calculated automatically based on the Chargeable Hours.

    Leave each of these three Minutes Grace fields blank, if your firm does NOT allow any grace period when the customer brings back the equipment late.

    Otherwise, type in the number of minutes grace to be allowed for each of the three rate levels. During Rental Return the minutes grace used depends on the rate selected.
    i.e. Daily Rate allows minutes PER DAY, Weekly Rate allows minutes PER WEEK, and Monthly Rate allows minutes PER MONTH.

    This Overtime grace Per Period is based on Contract DATE DUE.
    Leave this field blank if your firm does NOT allow any grace period if the customer brings back the equipment late.

    Otherwise, type in the number of minutes grace allowed.
    Overtime Grace applies only when the equipment is returned in Rental Return on the original Date Due but after the Time Due, and the number of minutes late is less than or equal to the grace allowed PER PERIOD, then the extra minutes are not billed.

    If Both grace periods are used, the Overtime Grace Period is checked first to reduce the total hours, then the rate is selected and the second grace is applied.

Note: Changing a grace period on a future calendar will also affect current grace periods.

Select one of the following:
  • Click 28 Days if your firm normally bills every 4 weeks (13 even billing periods a year), as outlined in The 28 Day Billing Cycle.
  • Click Monthly if your firm prefers to bill by calendar month (12 times a year), as outlined in The Monthly Billing Cycle.

Note: If your firm uses a combination of 28 day and monthly billing periods, set this Default Billing Method to 28 Days and activate the Respect Customer Cycle Bill Interval option in the Company Billing Parameters so that individual customers can be flagged to bill Monthly in Customer Billing Settings.

Click ACCEPT if changes are only being made to the Opening Time or Minutes Grace.
This will prevent the calendar from being re-created.

Additional actions provided by buttons on the Calendar screen include:

Finished ?
Click the ACCEPT button to generate the calendar or click CANCEL to abort.

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