Product Revenue Inquiry By Day

** This utility is under development and is not yet available. **

This inquiry provides a daily rental revenue total earned on any specific rental item by division.
The information in this utility supports the totals reflected in $ Utilization By Group and in $ Utilization By Product.

The selection prompts are:

Enter the rental equipment number to be checked, or to select it from the lookup Inventory Search window.
This inquiry does not apply to sales parts.
  • Type ALL to accept all divisions in the output.
  • To generate output for a single division, enter space for the Head Office, or enter a specific division code, or select one from the drop-down list.
  • Type SEL to select a range of divisions or to select divisions by accounting region as outlined in Division Select By Region.

Accept the first day of the previous month for the report start date or enter a preferred starting date for the inquiry range.

Accept the last day of the previous month for the report end date or enter a preferred ending date.

The resulting information includes:

The total rental revenue for this product, for this division selection, during this period, displays.
The sequence number tracks the transactions in this file.
The date of each revenue record in the selected date range displays.
Dates with no rental revenue are skipped.
The total rental revenue for each day in the selected date range for this product and divisions displays.

Topic Keyword: RSDU05
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