Estimate Inquiry

** This utility is under development and is not yet available. **

This Estimate inquiry displays one estimate at a time. The inquiry displays estimates in current and history.
The prompts are:

Type C (Current) to view estimates that have not yet been converted to a W.O. and then billed.
Type H (History) to view estimates that have already been converted to W.O.'s and have been billed on an Invoice or closed out to a repair.

Enter the estimate #, or press <F4> to see a list of all Estimates.
For details on this order lookup or search process refer to Estimate/Work Order Search .

The customer name and number will display.

The make and/or model of the equipment will display.

The description of the equipment will display.

The Estimate Date will display.

Parts, Labor, Services & Comments Windows:
The first window to open is the Parts window. To open the next window (Labor), press ACCEPT Key. After the Labor window, press ACCEPT Key to open the Services window. Next press ACCEPT Key again to reach the Comments window.

The total parts, labor, services, taxes and order total will display on the screen, after closing the Comments window.

Topic Keyword: WOEH05
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