Fast-Track Work Order Parts

Work Order Menu -> Fast-Track Work Order Parts

This utility provides quick access to the parts details on an existing Work Order.
Parts can be reviewed, and additional parts can be added to the W.O.
For detailed explanation on adding, changing or deleting Work Order parts, refer to Work Order Parts.

Note: If an existing Work Order is in use by a Texada Web mobile unit, or an employee has been assigned to the W.O. through Texada Web, it cannot be modified until the work is completed and the Active Employees on this Work Orders is triggered to alert the operator.

Price breaks as setup in the "Rental Rates & Pricing" parameters on the Operations tab of Configure System Settings in Price Codes, are respected on the volume quantity used.

A flag in the Company Security Parameters controls whether any individual part details that are deleted from the Work Orders, are tracked in the deletion log under Function WOWP01.
The deletion records can be reviewed in Delete Log.

Additional actions provided by buttons on the Work Order Parts screen include:

Topic Keyword: WOWP01
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